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About Julie Brigham-Grette

Julie Brigham-Grette was first inspired by Larry Taylor to study glacial geology and paleoclimates during an undergraduate Pleistocene course at Albion College back in the mid-1970s. Field trips to bluff exposures of interstratified tills and lacustrine deposits along Lake Michigan secured her fate as a Quaternary stratigrapher. Her graduate work was completed in the Dept of Geosciences, University of Colorado back in what seems like the late Holocene. After post-doctoral work at the University of Bergen, Norway and the University of Alberta, Canada, Brigham-Grette joined the faculty at the University of Massachusetts in the Fall of 1987
As a member of the Climate System Research Center, Julie’s research is concerned with late Cenozoic marine and non-marine stratigraphic problems in Arctic regions and in regional correlations and paleoclimate reconstructions, especially across Arctic North America and eastern Russia. Long-range research interests are in the paleogeography and sea level history of the Bering Strait region and seas, the circum- Arctic coast, Arctic climate evolution since the Miocene. She is also involved with research on the deglacial history of New England.


Present Professor and Depeatment Head, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

Morrill II, Rm 247
611 North Pleasant Street
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA. 01003


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