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About Joseph Rottman

Dr. Joseph Rottman is the associate dean, the director of the International Business Institute, and a professor of information systems at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is also a past research fellow in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Center for International Studies. He earned his Doctor of Science in information management from Washington University in St. Louis. He has conducted research and spoken internationally on global sourcing, innovation diffusion, and public-sector IT. He has conducted case studies in over forty firms and has been engaged by Fortune 500 firms to analyze and improve their offshore strategies. 

He has published three books and over twenty-five articles and book chapters. His publications have appeared in Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly Executive, Information Systems Frontiers, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, IEEE Computer, the Journal of Information Technology, the American Review of Public Administration, and Information and Management as well as leading practitioner outlets such as CIO Insight and the Cutter Consortium. He was the 2006 recipient of the Anheuser-Busch Excellence in Teaching award and is on the editorial board of MIS Quarterly Executive.


Present Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Information Systems



2009 - 2009 Research Fellowship
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2008 - 2008 Center for International Studies Fellowship
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Role: Principle Investigator
2007 - 2007 St. Louis Center for International Studies Fellowship
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Role: Principle Investigator
2004 - 2004 Center for Business and Industrial Studies
University of Missouri-St. Louis
A Study of Alternative Criminal Case Management Systems for an Integrated Justice Information System
Role: Co-principal Investigator
Colleague(s): L. Douglas Smith
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2002 DSc, Washington University in St. Louis ‐ Engineering and Policy
1995 MS, University of Missouri-St. Louis ‐ Management Information Systems
1992 BS, University of Missouri-St. Louis ‐ College of Business Administration

Research Works (11)

Books (3)

Articles and Book Chapters (20)