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About Jonathan D Woodruff

I am a sedimentologist who focuses on coastal, estuarine and fluvial processes. In particular, I study mechanisms of sediment transport during extreme flooding, as well as how these high-magnitude, low-frequency events are recorded within the geologic record. Recent projects include assessing relationships between climate and tropical cyclone activity using storm-overwash reconstructions from the Western North Atlantic, flooding impacts by extreme precipitation within floodplain settings, and tsunami and typhoon reconstructions from southern Japan. I received my PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program (MIT/WHOI) in Geology and Geophysics, my M.S. in Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering (also in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program), and my B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University. For more information please visit the web page link above.


Present Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • 2016 Fulbright Scholar Award, Council for International Exchange of Scholars

Contact Information

249 Morrill Science Center
611 North Pleasant Street
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst MA, 01003
Tel: 413-577-3831


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