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Who Owns Online Curriculum and Content? A Primer on Intellectual Property
Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy
  • Jon Garon, NKU Law and Informatics Institute

The ownership of copyrights in a faculty member’s copyrighted works has been a source of tension between labor and management for many years, affecting content created for the classroom, for scholarship, and for creative endeavors. Ownership of on-line learning content adds to these tensions and presents a number of important labor-management and pedagogical issues. The legal default rules of copyright provide the starting point for negotiations between labor and management. This panel will explore whether the institution or the faculty member owns the intellectual property associated with on-line learning, course content, and other works. In addition, it will present practical labor-management approaches to resolving intellectual property disputes.

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Citation Information
Jon Garon. "Who Owns Online Curriculum and Content? A Primer on Intellectual Property"
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