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Improving Middle Grades STEM Teacher Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices Through a School-University Partnership
School-University Partnerships
  • Cherie McCollough, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
  • Tonya Jeffery, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
  • Kim Moore, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
  • Joe Champion, Boise State University
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This paper outlines a University-School District partnership with the intent to increase the number of middle grades mathematics and science teachers. This externally funded initiative includes onsite, authentically situated professional development for pre- and in-service teachers at three different urban, low-socioeconomic schools with a majority Hispanic population of students. Program objectives include increasing mathematics and science content knowledge, increasing self-efficacy in teaching math and science, building and incorporating a success-driven school culture and infrastructure to increase student performance in a well-articulated, scalable and transformable model. Program components include site based common planning times, STEM Thursdays where science and mathematics lessons are practiced and refined, authentic summer research opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers to work with scientists and university faculty, teacher certification workshops and a mentoring model that includes program graduates and pre-service teachers. First year results show that the program had a positive impact on the teachers’ self-efficacy and outcome expectancy as their scores significantly increased after participation in the project. Key elements in the model included (1) a strong partnership between a school district and institution of higher education, (2) a unique collaboration between mathematics and science educators and scientists, pre-and in-service teachers, (3) a professional development and mentoring program designed around the school district’s adopted course of study and the NSES, (4) the integration of community resources, (5) a partnership with preservice and inservice teachers and district administrators with science and mathematics higher education faculty, (6) the development of teacher leaders, and (7) a comprehensive evaluation program.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in School-University Partnerships by The National Association for Professional Development Schools. Copyright restrictions may apply.

Citation Information
Cherie McCollough, Tonya Jeffery, Kim Moore and Joe Champion. "Improving Middle Grades STEM Teacher Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices Through a School-University Partnership" School-University Partnerships (2016)
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