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Teaching Literature to Deaf Students and the Challenge of Bilingualism
Society for American Sign Language Journal (2019)
  • Samuel J Supalla, University of Arizona
  • Andrew P J Byrne, SUNY University at Buffalo
  • Jody H Cripps, Clemson University
Understanding the importance of deaf students' opportunity to study literature in American Sign
Language (ASL) is much needed, especially with the works originally developed in the signed
language, not via translations of English literature. Additional considerations for the improvement
in the education of deaf students include the need for methods for these students to develop reading
skills in an effective manner that enables them to read and study English literature through their
high school graduation. In this article, a brief pedagogical description of how deaf students best
learn English literacy will lead to the discussion of signed language education as a model. A critical
review of the traditional deaf/special education practices will confirm the reported lack of
theoretical coherence for how deaf students are educated (e.g., Andrews, Leigh, & Weiner, 2004).
Both ASL literature and English literature suffer the consequences of deaf/special education's
emphasis on access to only information and activities. According to the Universal Design for
Learning framework, deaf students need to enjoy access to learning. The signed language
education model links to the concept of linguistic accessibility and provides a well-integrated setup
for teaching both bodies of ASL literature and English literature to deaf students. These students
would have the pedagogical means and skills to read English literature along with being masterful
signers when given the opportunity to study ASL literature. The article will end with a review of
promising ASL literature teaching research studies with deaf students that point to the face validity
of the learning experience involved.
  • ASL Literature,
  • Deaf Children,
  • Signed Language Education,
  • Literacy
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Clemson University Press
Citation Information
Samuel J Supalla, Andrew P J Byrne and Jody H Cripps. "Teaching Literature to Deaf Students and the Challenge of Bilingualism" Society for American Sign Language Journal Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (2019) p. 23 - 44
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