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About Joanne M. Belovich

Research Interests:
Bone Tissue Engineering
In collaboration with The Cleveland Clinic, we are developing methods to engineer bone tissue ex vivo. We are characterizing the transport properties (hydraulic permeability and effective diffusivities) of native bone tissue and using this information to design scaffolds with similar properties. We are investigating bone cell attachment and proliferation on scaffolds with various processing methods.
Algae for Biodiesel
Large-scale cultivation of algae is a potential major source of biofuels that does not divert farmland from fuel and that also mitigates carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. One of the most energy-intensive steps in the process is the algae dewatering process. We are developing methods, for separation of the algae from the perfusion fluid and extraction of the oil from the algae, that are low in energy use and manufacturing cost.


Present Dean and Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland State University


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Contact Information

Office: SH 455
Tel: (216) 687 3502


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