Does Recent Victimization Impact Confidence in the Criminal Justice System
Victims & Offenders
This study assesses whether recent victimization influences one’s confidence in the criminal justice system. Specifically, the study tests whether the predictors of confidence in major types of actors in the justice system are different for victims and nonvictims. British Crime Survey (BCS) data are analyzed using a series of structural equation models with multiple group methods. Overall, the findings support the idea that there is little difference between victims and nonvictims in how views of legal actors predict overall confidence. Additionally, prosecutors are slightly more influential on system confidence, regardless of victimization experience. Policy implications and future research directions are discussed.
- victims,
- British Crime Survey,
- confidence,
- procedural justice,
- multiple group analysis
Publication Date
July 2, 2016
Citation Information
Jeanna M. Mastrocinque and David McDowall. "Does Recent Victimization Impact Confidence in the Criminal Justice System" Victims & Offenders Vol. 11 Iss. 3 (2016) p. 482 - 499 Available at: