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The New Spirit Lake: Changes to Hydrology, Nutrient Cycling, and Biological Productivity
Ecological Responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 Years After the 1980 Eruption
  • James E. Gawel, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Charles M. Crisafulli
  • Rich Miller
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter

Spirit Lake was changed biologically, chemically, and physically by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens and the concurrent landslide that essentially buried the old lake and created a new one in its place. Recent changes to the surrounding watershed, spurred by ever-increasing regrowth of terrestrial vegetation, continue to alter the biogeochemistry of Spirit Lake. Here the authors outline over a decade of work developing a hydrologic and nutrient model for the lake and discuss preliminary work to elucidate the ecological role of the floating logs in Spirit Lake.

Citation Information
James E. Gawel, Charles M. Crisafulli and Rich Miller. "The New Spirit Lake: Changes to Hydrology, Nutrient Cycling, and Biological Productivity" Ecological Responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 Years After the 1980 Eruption (2018) p. 71 - 95
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