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About Ion Juvina

Ion Juvina, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Wright State University. Prior to his current appointment he spent almost seven years at Carnegie Mellon University where he completed two postdoctoral fellowships (supervised by Niels Taatgen and Christian Lebiere within the ACT-R research group lead by John Anderson) and also conducted independent research. He studied Industrial Psychology in Romania (Master thesis in Human Reliability) and Information Science in the Netherlands (Ph.D. dissertation in Human-Computer Interaction). His research focuses on high-level cognitive processes such as strategic thinking and executive control of cognition and emotion, combining empirical research and computational cognitive modeling.


2018 - Present Associate Professor, Wright State University Psychology
2012 - 2018 Assistant Professor, Wright State University Psychology

Curriculum Vitae


2022 - Present Optimization of Human Capital (OHC)
Role: Consultant
Colleague(s): Kairos Research
2021 - 2022 Leveraging Insights from Collective Human Expertise to Predict Important Nodes
Role: Consultant
Colleague(s): Kairos Research
2020 - 2022 Explainable Machine Reasoning through the Application of Linked Data
Role: Consultant
Colleague(s): Kairos Research
2020 - 2022 Joint DoD and WSU Center of Neuroimaging and Neuro-Evaluation of Cognitive Technologies
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Role: Co Pprinciple Investigator
Colleague(s): Assaf Hare and Nicholas Reo
2019 - 2021 Forecasting Counterfactuals in Uncontrolled Settings
Role: Consultant
Colleague(s): Principle Investigator: Alice Leung
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2022 - Present Leader, Department Bylaws Committee
2022 - Present Co-leader, Undergraduate Cogniton and Perception concentration
2022 - Present Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee
2022 - Present Acting Leader, Wright State University Psychology Department Human Factors
2021 - Present Member of the Scholarshiop and Sponsored Research Committee (Faculty Senate), Wright State University
2019 - Present Member of the Program Comittee, Wright State University the Interdisciplinary Applied Science and Mathmatics program
2014 - Present Organizer, Department of Psycholgoy Brown Bag seminar series
Present Member, American Psychological Association
Present Member, Cognitive Science Society
Present Member of Editorial Board and Associate Editor for Cognitive Science section, Frontiers in Psychology
Present Member, Psychonomic Society
Present Member of Editorial Board and Member of the International Scientific Committee, Revista de Psihologie
Founding Member, RoCHI - Romanian Sepcial Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction
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Honors and Awards

  • 2022: Celebrated for „Excellence in Grantsmanship” along with other WSU faculty who secured over $1,000,000 in funding for research over the last 5 years
  • 2022: Shortlisted among 3 of 32 papers for Best Paper Award at the International Computer-Human Interaction Conference (RoCHI 2022), Craiova, Romania
  • 2005: The James Chen Best Student Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on User Modelling, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 24-29, 2005


  • PSY9030: Computational Cognitive Modeling
  • PSY7020: Research Design and Quantitivate Methods
  • PSY8260: Decision Making
  • PSY8000: Graduate HF/IO Seminar (Brown Bag)
  • PSY3210: Cognition and Learning
  • PSY4280: Psychological Game Theory Capstone


2019 - 2020 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor ‐ Professional development leave (sabbatical)
July 2012 Foundations of an Interdisciplinary Descision Theory, Max Planck Institute for Human Development ‐ Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality
2006 - 2009 Cognitive Neuroscience and Computational Cognitive Modeling, Post-doctoral training, Carnegie Mellon University ‐ Psychology
August 2008 Summer course in fMRI, University of Michigan ‐ Functional MRI Lab
2002 - 2006 Ph.D in Information Science, Utrecht University ‐ Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
1990 - 1995 Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree in Psychology, University of Bucharest ‐ Psychology

Contact Information

Fawcett Hall 313G
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
(937) 775-3519


Conference Proceedings (23)