2018 - Present | Associate Professor, Wright State University ‐ Psychology | |
2012 - 2018 | Assistant Professor, Wright State University ‐ Psychology | |
Research Interests
2022 - Present | Optimization of Human Capital (OHC) |
AFRL | |
Role: Consultant | |
Colleague(s): Kairos Research | |
2021 - 2022 | Leveraging Insights from Collective Human Expertise to Predict Important Nodes |
Role: Consultant | |
Colleague(s): Kairos Research | |
2020 - 2022 | Explainable Machine Reasoning through the Application of Linked Data |
AFRL | |
Role: Consultant | |
Colleague(s): Kairos Research | |
2020 - 2022 | Joint DoD and WSU Center of Neuroimaging and Neuro-Evaluation of Cognitive Technologies |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research | |
Role: Co Pprinciple Investigator | |
Colleague(s): Assaf Hare and Nicholas Reo | |
$1,502,643 | |
2019 - 2021 | Forecasting Counterfactuals in Uncontrolled Settings |
Role: Consultant | |
Colleague(s): Principle Investigator: Alice Leung |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2022 - Present | Leader, Department Bylaws Committee | 2022 - Present | Co-leader, Undergraduate Cogniton and Perception concentration | 2022 - Present | Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee | 2022 - Present | Acting Leader, Wright State University Psychology Department Human Factors | 2021 - Present | Member of the Scholarshiop and Sponsored Research Committee (Faculty Senate), Wright State University | 2019 - Present | Member of the Program Comittee, Wright State University the Interdisciplinary Applied Science and Mathmatics program | 2014 - Present | Organizer, Department of Psycholgoy Brown Bag seminar series | Present | Member, American Psychological Association | Present | Member, Cognitive Science Society | Present | Member of Editorial Board and Associate Editor for Cognitive Science section, Frontiers in Psychology | Present | Member, Psychonomic Society | Present | Member of Editorial Board and Member of the International Scientific Committee, Revista de Psihologie | Founding Member, RoCHI - Romanian Sepcial Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction |
Honors and Awards
- 2022: Celebrated for „Excellence in Grantsmanship” along with other WSU faculty who secured over $1,000,000 in funding for research over the last 5 years
- 2022: Shortlisted among 3 of 32 papers for Best Paper Award at the International Computer-Human Interaction Conference (RoCHI 2022), Craiova, Romania
- 2005: The James Chen Best Student Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on User Modelling, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 24-29, 2005
- PSY9030: Computational Cognitive Modeling
- PSY7020: Research Design and Quantitivate Methods
- PSY8260: Decision Making
- PSY8000: Graduate HF/IO Seminar (Brown Bag)
- PSY3210: Cognition and Learning
- PSY4280: Psychological Game Theory Capstone
2019 - 2020 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor ‐ Professional development leave (sabbatical) | |
July 2012 | Foundations of an Interdisciplinary Descision Theory, Max Planck Institute for Human Development ‐ Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality | |
2006 - 2009 | Cognitive Neuroscience and Computational Cognitive Modeling, Post-doctoral training, Carnegie Mellon University ‐ Psychology | |
August 2008 | Summer course in fMRI, University of Michigan ‐ Functional MRI Lab | |
2002 - 2006 | Ph.D in Information Science, Utrecht University ‐ Institute of Information and Computing Sciences | |
1990 - 1995 | Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree in Psychology, University of Bucharest ‐ Psychology | |
Contact Information
Fawcett Hall 313G
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
(937) 775-3519