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About Greta Rollo

BEd (Hons) (University of Sydney), M (Teacher Education - Spec. Ed), UTS

Greta Rollo is a Research Fellow working in Early Years Team. She is a special educator and is particularly interested in projects that support quality differentiated teaching for all students. She led ACER's Formative Evaluation of the Functional Needs Assessment for the Victorian Department of Education and Training and led the subsequent revision of the assessment and its supporting processes.

Ms Rollo most recently taught from 2006 – 2009, leading staff to participate in the development of Ability Based Learning and Education Support. In 2007 she received a $5000 Practitioner-led research grant to investigate the effects of interactive whiteboards on communication outcomes of students with disabilities. From 2009 to 2011 she worked for SCOPE, leading the Transition to School project for an Early Years team of allied health professionals supporting families and schools to meet the transition to school needs of students with intellectual disabilities. She conducted a research evaluation of the project which was presented at the DEECD Innovations and Excellence conference in 2011.

Greta was a test developer to PAT Early Years reading assessment, PAT vocabulary and PAT-R. She appears as a teacher in the PAT Resource Centre videos. She has also worked on the reading component of the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), the International Benchmarking Test (IBT) and the NASOP Development Study. She contributed to a gap analysis of VDET language assessment resources in the Early Years.

Greta Rollo began work at the Australian Council for Educational Research in 2003, with the Developmental Assessment team, developing literacy and humanities assessments for primary and secondary school students for a number of state, national and international projects  including West Australian Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (WALNA), International Schools Assessment (ISA), Hong Kong EAL scope and sequence (Speaking and Listening), Monitoring Standards in Education (MSE9) and the Achievement Improvement Monitor (AIM). Between 2013 and 2016, she was a test developer for the Abu Dhabi Education Council External Monitoring of Student Achievement (EMSA).


2003 - Present Research Fellow, Assessment and Psychometric Research, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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