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On Misorientation Distribution Evolution During Anisotropic Grain Growth
Acta Materialia
  • Elizabeth A. Holm, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Gregory N. Hassold, Kettering University
  • Mark A. Miodownik, King's College London
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In order to study the development of texture and boundary character during annealing, three-dimensional grain crystallography and crystallographically mediated grain boundary properties were incorporated into a finite temperature Monte Carlo model for grain growth. Randomly textured microstructures evolve normally, with growth exponent n=0.96. While texture remains random, the steady-state boundary misorientation distribution favors low-angle boundaries. To first order, low-angle boundaries increase by lengthening, not by proliferating. In contrast, microstructures with a strong single-component texture develop four-grain junctions and highly curved grain boundaries, which alter evolution. The boundary misorientation distribution narrows and shifts to low angles, and no steady state is observed. The accompanying decrease in mean boundary mobility causes growth to slow, resulting in a growth exponent n=0.62. The dependence of the growth exponent on average boundary mobility may explain experimental observations of exponents less than unity.


This is the Preprint of an article published in Acta Materialia, volume 49, issue 15, 2001.

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© 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Citation Information
Elizabeth A. Holm, Gregory N. Hassold and Mark A. Miodownik. "On Misorientation Distribution Evolution During Anisotropic Grain Growth" Acta Materialia Vol. 49 Iss. 15 (2001) p. 2981 - 2991 ISSN: 1359-6454
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