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An analysis of supply risk assessment techniques
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (2004)
  • George A. Zsidisin, Michigan State University
  • Lisa M. Ellram, Arizona State University
  • Joseph R. Carter, Arizona State University
  • Joseph L. Cavinato, Arizona State University
Purchasing organizations are exposed to risk in their interactions with suppliers, whether it is recognized and managed, addressed in a cursory manner, or altogether ignored. In order to understand the supply risk that exists, purchasing organizations can proactively assess the probability and impact of supply risk in advance, or reactively discover risk after a detrimental event occurs. The purpose of this study is to explore, analyze, and derive common themes on supply risk assessment techniques. Findings from this research indicate that purchasing organizations can assess supply risk with techniques that focus on addressing supplier quality issues, improving supplier processes, and reducing the likelihood of supply disruptions. From an agency theory perspective, these risk assessment techniques facilitate the obtaining of information by purchasing organizations to verify supplier behaviors, promoting goal congruence between buying and selling firms, and reducing outcome uncertainty associated with inbound supply.
  • supply chain management,
  • purchasing,
  • case studies,
  • risk assessment
Publication Date
June 1, 2004
Citation Information
George A. Zsidisin, Lisa M. Ellram, Joseph R. Carter and Joseph L. Cavinato. "An analysis of supply risk assessment techniques" International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Vol. 34 Iss. 5 (2004) p. 397 - 413
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