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About George Zsidisin

George A. Zsidisin, Ph.D. (Arizona State University), CPSM, C.P.M., is the John W. Barriger Professor and Director of the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Professor Zsidisin has led numerous studies examining how firms assess and manage supply disruptions and price volatility in their supply chains. He has published over 80 research and practitioner articles and seven books that have been cited over 6,900 times. His research on supply chain risk has been funded by the AT& T Foundation and IBM, and has received numerous awards, such as from the Institute for Supply Management, Deutsche Post, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, and the Decision Sciences Institute. Further, he is one of the initial founding members of the International Supply Chain Risk Management (ISCRiM) network, teaches and leads discussions on supply chain management and risk with various Executive Education Programs and companies in the U.S. and Europe, is co-Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management and sits on the Editorial Review Board for several academic supply chain journals. 

New UMSL faculty member 2019.


Present John. W. Barriger Professor of Supply Chain Management & Center for Transportation Studies Director, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Supply Chain & Analytics
2013 - 2019 Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University ‐ Department of Supply Chain Management and Analytics

Curriculum Vitae


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December 2001 PhD, Arizona State University ‐ Business Administration, Supply Chain Management
May 1995 MBA, Northern Arizona University ‐ Business Administration
January 1990 BA, New Jersey City University ‐ Political Science


Open Access Works (1)

Research Works (10)

Referred Journal Publications (38)