July 2019 - Present | Director, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Center for Intelligent Infrastructure | |
November 2016 - Present | Director and Principal Investigator, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ INSPIRE-University Transportation Center | |
July 2014 - Present | Robert W. Abbett Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering | |
September 2007 - Present | Associate Director, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Mid-America Transportation Center | |
September 2007 - June 2014 | Professor of Civil Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering | |
September 2002 - August 2007 | Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering | |
August 1996 - August 2002 | Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering | |
Research Interests
Professional Service and Affiliations
2013 - Present | Council Member, International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII) | 2013 - Present | Fellow Member, Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) | 2009 - Present | Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB) | 2007 - Present | Member, American Concrete Institute | 2007 - Present | Fellow Member, American Society of Civil Engineers | 2005 - Present | Member, ASCE Committee on STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AND CONTROL (EMI) | 1997 - Present | Member, ASCE Committee on SEISMIC ISOLATION SYSTEMS TESTING | 1997 - Present | Member, ASCE Subcommittee on PERFORMANCE OF BRIDGES | 1995 - Present | Member, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) | 2014 - 2020 | Member, ASCE Committee on METHODS OF MONITORING STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE | 2016 - 2019 | Member, TRB AFF40 Standing Committee on FIELD TESTING AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION (NDE) OF TRANSPORTATION | 2016 - 2018 | Vice Chair, US PANEL OF STRUCTUAL CONTROL AND MONITORING | 2009 - 2018 | Member, TRB AFF50 Standing Committee on SEISMIC DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF BRIDGES Committee | 2011 - 2016 | Executive Committee Member, US PANEL OF STRUCTUAL CONTROL AND MONITORING | 2012 - 2015 | Chair, ACI 408 Committee on DEVELOPMENT AND SPLICING OF DEFORMED BARS (ACI-ASCE Joint Committee), | 2012 - 2015 | Past Chair, ASCE Committee on PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN FOR BUILDINGS | 2007 - 2013 | Member, International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII) | 2009 - 2012 | Associate Member, ACI 408 Committee on DEVELOPMENT AND SPLICING OF DEFORMED BARS (ACI-ASCE Joint Committee), | 2006 - 2012 | Member, Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) | 2008 - 2011 | Chair, ASCE Committee on PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN FOR BUILDINGS | 2008 - 2011 | Secretary, ASCE Committee on STRUCTURAL CONTROL (SEI) | 2005 - 2008 | Control Member, ASCE Committee on STRUCTURAL CONTROL (SEI) | 1991 - 2007 | Member, American Society of Civil Engineers | 2003 - 2005 | Member, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) | 2003 - 2005 | Member, International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) | 2000 - 2005 | Member, ASCE Committee on STRUCTURAL CONTROL (SEI) |
Honors and Awards
- Missouri S&T Faculty Research Award (2011, 2013)
- Missouri S&T Inaugural Faculty Research Award (2009)
- Engineers Make a World of Difference Award by the Society of American Military Engineers, Fort Leonard Wood Chapter, 2008
- Joseph H. Senne, Jr. Academy of Civil Engineers Faculty Achievement Award, 2004
- National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, 1998
- America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2003
- Who’s Who in America, 2000
- CE425 Finite Element Application in Structural Design
- CE401 Structural Health Monitoring
- CE/ME/EE/NU 301 Structural Health Monitoring
- CE/Arch320 Structural Analysis II
- CE/Arch384/5208 Structural Dynamics
- CE/Arch221 Structural Design in Metals
- CE/Arch218 Structural Dynamics
- CE/Arch217/3201 Structural Dynamics
- CE424 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- CE430/401 Stochastic Theory of Structural Vibration
- CE/ME/EE/NU401 Integrated Health Monitoring Systems
- CE/ME/EE/NU301 Structural Health Monitoring
- CE/Arch384/5208 Structural Dynamics
- CE/Arch223 Reinforced Concrete Design
- CE/Arch375/301 Low-rise Building Analysis and Design
1992 | Ph. D. in Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo | |
1985 | M.S. in Civil Engineering, Dalian Institute of Technology | |
1978 | B.S. in Civil Engineering, Dalian Institute of Technology | |
Contact Information
328 Butler-Carlton Hall
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T)
1401 N. Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65409-0030
Tel: (573) 341-4462
Fax: (573) 341-6215