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About Garth Woodruff

Garth Woodruff grew up on the Chesapeake Bay.  Taking Horticulture classes at a local community college helped spark his interest in landscaping and encouraged him to go to the University of Maryland to join the Landscape Architecture program. In 1996, he completed his B.T. degree in Horticulture/Landscape Design at Andrews University.  While pursuing his degree at Andrews, he started his own landscape design/build firm called Second Nature. He moved the company back to Northern Virginia to be closer to family and to raise a family of his own. After running Second Nature for 17 years, he decided to take a break and pursue new interests back at Andrews University. At Andrews, Garth  teaches courses for the Horticulture and Landscape Design degrees, bringing his years of practical experience to the classroom.  Outside of his career, Garth is a husband to his high school sweetheart, and together they raise two boys. They are an active, outdoor family, avid sailors, tri-athletes, and altogether adventurers.


2011 - Present Assistant Professor of Horticulture & Landscape Design, Andrews University Department of Sustainable Agriculture
Present Director, Agriculture Programs, Andrews University Department of Sustainable Agriculture

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MA, Andrews University
BT, Horticulture/Landscape Design, Andrews University

Contact Information

Office Location: Smith Hall 110
Phone: (269) 471-6279


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