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Diet switching and food delivery by shrubsteppe passerines in response to an experimental reduction in food
Western North American Naturalist (2000)
  • Frank P Howe, Utah State University
We experimentally reduced the food base of nesting Brewer's Sparrows (Spizella breweri) and Sage Thrashers (Oreoscoptes montanus) in a shrubsteppe region of south central Idaho in 1989 and 1990. Frequency and mass of "birdfood" arthropods in pitfall, sweep net, and stickyboard samples were generally lower on sites treated with a broad-spectrum insecticide (malathion) than on untreated sites though the effect varied among taxa. In 1990 O. montanus switched nestling diets to prey taxa not affected by the treatment...
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Citation Information
Frank P Howe. "Diet switching and food delivery by shrubsteppe passerines in response to an experimental reduction in food" Western North American Naturalist Vol. 60 Iss. 2 (2000) p. 139 - 154
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