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About Frank Howe

I am the liaison between Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Utah universities. I develop, conduct, consult, and lead DWR biologists and managers in developing applied research questions, communicate research questions to university faculty and researchers, and communicate research results to biologists and managers. My current and recent research includes determining shrubsteppe wildlife response to sagebrush reduction, developing riparian bird/habitat association models and management guidelines, developing bison population estimation and monitoring techniques, determining potential for competition between bison and cattle, developing Mexican Spotted Owl habitat and occupancy models, and developing habitat models for Lewis’s Woodpeckers. I teach or team teach graduate and undergraduate courses, e.g., Avian Ecology and Management, Principles of Wildlife Management, Advanced Wildlife Techniques, and Conclave Preparation. I also organize or assist with workshops for professionals and graduate students on topics such as population estimation techniques and model selection.


Faculty Member, Utah State University

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • USU-CNR Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year 2010
  • Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Director's Leadership Award 2008
  • Audubon Council Division Employee of the Year 2004


  • Avian Ecology and Management WILD 4950/6900

Refereed Articles and Conference Papers (20)

Technical Reports and White Papers (15)