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Role Conflict for Aides in a Homemaker Aide Program for Frail Elderly Persons
Psychological Reports
  • Frances H. Montgomery, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Robert Montgomery, Missouri University of Science and Technology

To determine whether aides in a homemaker program for the frail rural elderly experienced role conflict, the views of clients, aides, and staff were examined by means of an 18-item Likert-type test which assessed the difficulty of an aide in various possible problematic situations. While consensus existed among the three groups on a few items, a significant interaction of clients, aides, staff × item indicated that, for the most part, whether or not a situation was perceived as a difficult problem depended upon who did the rating. What aides saw as a difficult problem situation for themselves often differed markedly from what the staff and clients saw. Clients and staff often differed significantly from one another. This lack of consensus suggests that a direct service worker in a program such as this one might often not only find himself in an uncomfortable situation, but even worse, such a situation will not necessarily be recognized by either the program's clients or staff.

Psychological Science
Frances M. Montgomery published as Frances M. Haemmerlie
Keywords and Phrases
  • Adult,
  • Aged,
  • Conflict,
  • Home Care,
  • Human,
  • Human Relation,
  • Psychological Aspect,
  • Role Playing,
  • Conflict (Psychology),
  • Home Care Services,
  • Homemaker Services,
  • Middle Age,
  • Professional-Patient Relations,
  • Role,
  • Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 1982 Ammons Scientific Ltd, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 1982
Citation Information
Frances H. Montgomery and Robert Montgomery. "Role Conflict for Aides in a Homemaker Aide Program for Frail Elderly Persons" Psychological Reports Vol. 51 Iss. 1 (1982) p. 63 - 69 ISSN: 0033-2941
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