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About Erez Aloni

Erez Aloni’s primary research interests lie in the legal regulation of adult relationships and complex family structures. His work stages the family as an institution affected by a broad range of laws, norms, and economic structures; he is particularly interested in distributional results of legal regulation of the household and the intersection of private law with family law. Aloni’s projects have explored the emerging menu of options for legal recognition of relationships and whether they protect the interests of the economically weaker partner. Currently, he is seeking to unveil the connection between wealth inequality and laws regulating adult relationships. He has also written about the legal regulation of the on demand (often referred to as the “sharing”) economy.

Aloni’s articles have appeared in leading publications, and he frequently presents his work in diverse forums. Recently he has presented at Harvard Law School, Chicago Law School, Columbia Law School, and the UCLA School of Law. In 2017 he gave the keynote address at a symposium on the “sharing economy” organized by the University of Hawaiʻi Law Review, and presented at the annual conference of the University of Pennsylvania's Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism. He has also published in outlets such as the LA Times and the Guardian.

Aloni joined the Allard School of Law in 2017. Between August 2013 and June 2017, he served as an assistant professor at Whittier Law School, where he taught contracts and domestic relations. Previously, he was a fellow at the Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia Law School. He received his LL.M. and S.J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where he also taught a course on law and sexuality. In May 2017 he visited the Radzyner Law School at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, where he taught regulation of adult relationships.


Present Assistant Professor, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia



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