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About Elizabeth Pollman

Elizabeth Pollman, Associate Professor of Law
AB, with distinction, Stanford University
JD, with distinction, Stanford Law School, Order of the Coif
Professor Pollman teaches business law courses and her research focuses on the entity status and constitutional rights of corporations, as well as on law and entrepreneurship. Before joining the Loyola faculty, Pollman was a fellow at the Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, and a teaching fellow at Stanford Law School. She previously practiced as a transactional lawyer and business litigator at Latham & Watkins in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. She clerked for the Honorable Raymond C. Fisher of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Selected Scholarship
Information Issues on Wall Street 2.0, 161 U. Pa. L. Rev. 179 (2012)
Reconceiving Corporate Personhood, 2011 Utah L. Rev. 1629
Citizens Not United: The Lack of Stockholder Voluntariness in Corporate Political Speech, 119 Yale L. J. Online 53 (2009)


Present Associate Professor of Law, Loyola Law School Los Angeles

Curriculum Vitae



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Contact Information

Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015

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