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About Edward Cohen

Edward Cohen received his M.S.W. and Ph.D. in Social Welfare at the University of California at Berkeley. He has taught courses in research methods, mental health, and international social work. He has provided consultation to mental health agencies in improving agency performance through the use of data and evaluation. Practice experience includes over 17 years in senior positions as a clinician, administrator, policy planner and consultant in both private and public mental health and social service agencies. Research projects have included program evaluations of criminal and juvenile justice specialized courts, child welfare services, and social work education in Vietnam. He is a past Fulbright Scholar grantee, having taught in Vietnam in 2016. Dr. Cohen was Director of the Center for Social Services Research at the University of California at Berkeley prior to joining the faculty at SJSU. He is past editorial board member of the journal Research on Social Work Practice and now serves on the editorial board of Child and Adolescent Social Work.


2011 - Present Professor, School of Social Work, San Jose State University School of Social Work
2009 - Present Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Coordinator, San Jose State University School of Social Work
2007 - Present Assistant Professor, San Jose State University School of Social Work

Curriculum Vitae



2008 - 2010 Evaluation of Mental Health Services in California’s ‘Healthy Families’ Insurance Program
APS Healthcare
Role: Principal Investigator
2006 - 2009 Evaluation of Contra Costa County’s ‘Partnering for Permanence’ project
University of California at Berkeley
Role: Principal Investigator
2005 - 2009 The Costs of Incarceration of Youth with Mental Illness,” a survey of California counties
The California Endowment and The Zellerbach Family Foundation
Role: Investigator (Consultant)
2007 - 2008 Adaptation and Accommodation of Functional Family Therapy with Ethnically and Culturally Diverse Families
The California Institute for Mental Health with a grant from The California Endowment
Role: Principal Investigator
2006 - 2008 A Strategic Plan to Increase the Flow of Minority, Multi-Lingual and Culturally Competent Professional Social Workers into California's Mental Health System
The California Endowment to the Center for Social Services Research
Role: Project Coordinator
2006 - 2008 Evaluation of the California Learning Collaborative—County Implementation of the Mental Health Services Act
The California Endowment
Role: Principal Investigator
2002 - 2004 California’s Title IV-E Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Project Evaluation
California Department of Social Services
Role: Principal Investigator
2002 - 2004 The Transition Age Youth Mental Health Study
Zellerbach Family Foundation and The California Wellness Foundation
Role: Principal Investigator
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2006 - 2008 Editorial Board Member, Research on Social Work Practice
2005 - 2006 Moderator, Interest Group on Social Work Research Centers
2003 - 2005 Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
2001 - 2003 Editorial Reviewer, Administration and Policy in Mental Health
2001 - 2003 Grant application reviewer, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Honors and Awards

  • Fulbright Scholar, January - June, 2016


  • Special Project research seminar for 2nd year MSW students
  • Research Methods, Design and Analysis, San Jose State University. MSW level 2-semester course


Bachelor of Music, Temple University Philadelphia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley ‐ School of Social Welfare
Masters of Social Work, University of California, Berkeley ‐ School of Social Welfare

Contact Information


Book Chapter (1)

Journal Articles (23)

Book Reviews and Book Notes (6)