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About Charity Clay

Dr. Charity Clay is a Critical Race Sociologist who received her PhD in Sociology from Texas A&M University in 2014. She currently teaches in the Sociology Deprtment at Xavier University of Louisiana where she is the lead faculty for the major concentration in Crime and Social Justice.

As and educator, she uses sociology to help students understand systems of oppression at both macro and micro levels and introduces social science research as a tool of resistance and liberation. As a researcher, she focuses her work on the criminal justice, education and health care systems but focuses her work on interlocking systemic oppression and its specific impacts on Black Communities. While her work involves Systems of Oppression, it always centers around empowering communities for resistance.

In addition to her academic work, Dr. Clay performs as a HipHop artist whose songs provide social commentary on current situations, celebrate cultural heritage of African descended people and provide motivation for fighting oppression. She also delivers workshops and community lectures centered around the idea of HipHop as an intellectual paradigm


Present Assistant Professor; Concentration in Crime and Social Justice, Xavier University of Louisiana sociology

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2019 - 2019 member, American Sociological Association
2019 - 2019 member, Association of Black Sociologists
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  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Criminology
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Explorations in Transatlantic Blackness
  • Race, Class, Gender Inequalities


2010 - 2014 PhD, Texas A&M University ‐ sociology