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About Donna Schultheiss

Donna E. Palladino Schultheiss is a Professor in the Department of Counseling, Administration, Supervision and Adult Learning at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She also serves as Co-Director of Training for the APA accredited Counseling Psychology Program. The primary focus of her research concerns the adaptive function of interpersonal connection and the importance of the relational context on career progress. Her other research interests include work and family integration, women's work, international issues in psychology, parental and sibling attachment, college student development and adjustment, and elementary school-to-work intervention and assessment. She serves as Past-Chair for the Society for Vocational Psychology, Section of Division 17 (Counseling Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, and on the editorial boards of Journal of Counseling Psychology and Journal of Vocational Behavior.


Present Professor, Counseling, Administration, Supervision, and Adult Learning Department, Cleveland State University

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Contact Information

Office: JH 284
Phone: 216-687-5063
