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About Dika Kuljis

Dika Kulis, Ph.D. is Lecturer of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Sacred Heart University. She is skilled in neuroanatomy, electrophysiology and neurodegenerative disease. Many of her publications focus on the circadian system and dysfunction in circadian behavior.
Dr. Kulis is a neurobiologist trained in applying electrophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral methods to develop mechanistic models of neural microcircuit function and dysfunction in disease.
As a graduate researcher in University of California Los Angeles' Professor Christopher Colwell's laboratory, she studied the rhythmic electrophysiological properties of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. She discovered electrophysiological correlates of normal sex differences in behavioral patterning, and the pathophysiological mechanism underlying disrupted biological rhythm patterning in a Huntington’s disease mouse model. As a postdoctoral scholar in Carnegie Mellon University's Professor Alison Barth's laboratory, Dr. Kuljis pioneered the application of novel fluorescence microscopy tools for synapse and ion channel visualization. In her ongoing research collaboration with her former postdoc adviser, Dr.Kuljis uses cell-type and input-specific synapse detection methods to study learning-related inhibitory synapse plasticity in the neocortex.
In her independent research program, Dr. Kuljis seeks to improve our understanding of the intersectional impact sex-specific factors and critical period stress have on inhibitory synapse organization and function in prefrontal cortex. 


August 2020 - Present Lecturer, Sacred Heart University Biology Department
October 2015 - August 2020 Postdoctoral Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University ‐ Laboratory of Professor Alison Barth

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2009 - 2015 Ph.D, University of California Los Angeles ‐ Neurobiology
2003 - 2007 B.A.Neuroscience, Smith College

Contact Information

College of Arts and Sciences
Science Ctr of Academic Bldg SC*234H


Research Works (18)