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Mango processing methods and level of knowledge of quality standards by actors in mango enterprise in Burkina Faso
International Journal of Biological and chemical Sciences (2017)
  • Hyacinthe TRAORE
  • Hagrétou Sawadogo-Lingani
  • SEOGO Issiaka
  • Donatien KABORE
  • Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) processing is the main activity of more than sixty micro agro industrial
food enterprises in Burkina Faso. This activity is mainly based on the use of traditional knowledge. To assess
on the knowledge level of the quality standards of mango and its products by actors involved its technological
processing a survey was conducted among 40 units of mango processing through land outlets in eight cities of
Burkina Faso. Data obtained showed that the units are 41% craft. The transformation concerns the processes of
dried mango, juice/nectar, and jam and mango syrup. Among units, 34% accelerate mango ripening using
calcium carbide and ethephon. The data revealed that 95% of interviewed transformers were aware of quality standards; 87.5% were involved in quality approach; 79% implemented the recommendations of these quality standards. These findings could guide to sensitize and train stakeholders on the importance of quality standards
in processing; diversification of end-products in order to provide good quality products for the consumer and
also face the external market which is highly competitive.
  • Mangue,
  • transformation,
  • normes,
  • procédés,
  • qualité,
  • Burkina Faso.
Publication Date
Spring May 30, 2017
Publisher Statement
2017, International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.
Citation Information
Hyacinthe TRAORE, Hagrétou Sawadogo-Lingani, SEOGO Issiaka, Donatien KABORE, et al.. "Mango processing methods and level of knowledge of quality standards by actors in mango enterprise in Burkina Faso" International Journal of Biological and chemical Sciences Vol. 11 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 195 - 207 ISSN: ISSN 1997-342X
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