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About Pr. Mamoudou H. DICKO, PhD

Prof.Dr Mamoudou H. Dicko (nickname: Yéro Birabia DICKO), is a Burkinabe, born on 31/12/1969 at DORI, Burkina Faso. He is married and father of five children. He is one the 23 children of the late cow-breeder and Notable citizen Mr. Elhadji Birabia DICKO, from Dori, Burkina Faso. Primary school at Dori (1977-1983, CEP). Secondary school: Lycée John Kennedy Ouagadougou, 1983-1985; Lycée Newton Ouagadougou, 1985-1987 (BEPC); Lycée Provincial de Dori (1987-1989); Lycée Philippe Zinda Kaboré, 1989-1990 (Baccalauréat Serie D) ; Bachelor of science, Bsc ("Licence", 1993, Université de Ouagadougou : UO, Burkina Faso, in Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Master of Science, Msc ("Maîtrise") in Biochemistry, and Natural Compounds ("Cum laude", 1994, UO), Master of Philosophy, MPhil ("Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies") in Biochemistry and Microbiology ("Cum laude", 1996, UO), Doctor of Science, Dsc ("Doctorat de Spécialité") in Biochemistry and Food Enzymology ("Cum laude", 1999, UO), PhD in Biotechnology, Food Technology and Nutrition (2005, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, ( thesis title: “Endogenous phenolics and starch modifying enzymes as determinants of sorghum for food use in Burkina Faso” ( Promotors: Alphons. G. J. VORAGEN, Harry GRUPPEN and Prof.dr. Willem G. H. van BERKEL. He is also holder of Doctorate of Science (Dsc) in Biochemistry and Enzymology (1999, UO). Thesis title: "Purification and physicochemical properties of polysaccharide degrading enzymes from Curculigo pilosa, Gladiolus klattianus and Boscia senegalensis. Promotor Pr.dr. Alfred S. TRAORE. He has supervised several defended PhD: 14 (6 male + 8 female), Current PhD: 6 (4 male + 4 female), Defended Msc: 35 (20 female + 15 male), Current Msc 15 (8 female + 7 male). He has experience in project management and fundraising capacities. He is members or compassionate of several scientific societies (African Biotechnology Network, Société Ouest Africaine de Chimie, Société Burkinabè de Nutrition, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Chemical Society, American Association of Cereal Chemist, Society of Chemical Industry, Institute of Food Science, Society of Chemical Ecology). He got honorary distinctions: National Distinction « Chevalier de l’Ordre National », December 2019, National distinction «Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques », Peace Embassy of the International Federation for Universal Peace, Burkinabe Expert for Food Control and Standardization of analytical methods in the West African Economical Union (UEMOA), Laureate of the International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden (2001), Laureate of Jan Tinbergen Fellowship Program, Nuffic, The Netherlands (1997) at Wageningen Agricultural University, principal investigators of several research grants on food science, biotechnology and nutrition. Coordinator of the African Biotechnology Network (ABIOTECH).Former General Manager of CENOU (Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires), 2008-2011. Former member of parliament (MP) of Burkina Faso (2012-2014). He has currently published more than 150 peer reviewed peer reviewed publications and popular press in public medias. Personal website:
Experience on found raising capacity and projects management include: EDULINK-II Biotechnology and Food security in Africa (2013-2017). ACP-European Union, -Biodiversity of sorghum varieties (2008-2011), New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), Bioactives molecules from fruits and vegetables (2008-2016), International Foundation for Science (IFS, 7 projects) ; -Biodepollution industrial effluent by enzyme catalysis (2008-2012), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and  Fondazione Lelio and Lisli Basso-Issoco, Italy ; Research-based tree oil production in West Africa (2011-2016), Finance : DANIDA (Qualitree). African Biotechnology Network (2003-2018), World Bank/African Association of Universities, UEMOA, ISP/IPICS Uppsala Universsity/Sweden (2018-2021 and 2022-2024). Co-Chair UNESCO member on the consortium on Engineering of bio-based products (2023-2027,  ORCID:
Prof DICKO is currently an outstanding full Professor of Food Biochemistry/Biotechnology at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, in Burkina Faso and head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Food Technology and Nutrition. The research interest of LABIOTAN is to carry out fundamental and applied research oriented in Biochemistry, Agro-Biotechnology, Food Sciences and Nutrition. It contributes to research to achieve Food and Nutritional Security in Burkina Faso and Africa. LABIOTAN supports companies in optimizing their technological processes, and pre/post-harvest or post- processing management of foodstuffs. The Department of Food Technology (DTA-IRSAT-CNRST, in Burkina Faso) is a privileged partner.


Present Professor, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo ‐ Département de Biochimie-Microbiologie

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Food Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Production and characterization of enzymes from plants and bacteria, Analytical Biochemistry and Nutritional Biochemistry, Management of Public Institutions, Writing and Management of Scientifc Projects, Food Security, and Nutrition, Food Tecchnology, Enzymologie

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Professional Service and Affiliations

1996 - Present Professor, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
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Honors and Awards

  • New Parternetship for African Development (NEPAD), Network of Bioscience
  • Fondazione Lelio and Lisli Basso-Issoco
  • International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden)
  • Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF, France)
  • African Counsil for Higher Education (CAMES, Africa)
  • Jan Tinbergen Fellowship Program (The Netherlands)
  • Global Nutrition (SIDA) fellowship (Sweden and Sri-Lanka)
  • Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA)
  • DANIDA Qualitree Project
  • EDULINK-II, Food Security and Biotechnology in Africa, ACP-EU
  • Former Member of Parliament of Burkina Faso
  • ISP/IPICS-Uppsala University_Sweden_RABIOTECH_Network
  • World Bank/African Association of Universities/RABIOTECH
  • UNESCO Co-Chair,


  • Enzyme kinetics, Structural Biochemistry, Food Enzymology, Food Chemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Nutritional Biochemistry, Management of Public Institutions, Writing and Management of Scientifc Projects, Food Security, Biotechnology


2001 - 2005 PhD, Wageningen Agricultural University ‐ Departments of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry

Contact Information

Permanent address:
Prof. Mamoudou H. DICKO, PhD
Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, UFR-SVT, Laboratoire LABIOTAN, 09 BP 848 Ouagadougou 09, Burkina-Faso
Tel. +226 50307064
Tel. Mobile 226 70 272643/68542929
Fax: 226 50 307242
Pseudonyme Skype: dickens69,
WhatsApp: +22670272643


Peer Reviewed Articles (152)