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Associated factors of dietary diversity among schoolchildren in Plateau Central region of Burkina Faso: a cross‑sectional study
BMC Nutrition (2024)
  • Daniel Ouedraogo
  • Ella W. R. COMPAORE
  • Ousmane OUEDRAOGO
  • Pr Mamoudou H. DICKO
Context: School-age is a dynamic period of growth and development, leading to good health and a productive
adult life. Adequate dietary intake provides essential nutrients for growth, health and cognition. However, the practices
of adequate nutrition is still not a matter of course for schoolchildren in many countries. The aim of this study
was to identify associated factors of dietary diversity among students in public primary school in the Central Plateau
Region. Method Multi-stage sampling was used to select schoolchildren. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information’s of food consumption at home and at school using a 24-h dietary recall method. Binary logistic
regression was used to identify variables associated with students’ dietary diversity scores (DDS) with statistical significance at p < 0.05, after performing Chi-square test of independence to identify candidates variables at p < 0.25.
Results The study involved 560 pupils aged 6 to 14 older, including 52.9% girls and 47.9% boys. Dietary diversity
was divided into three classes: low (DDS ≤ 4), medium (DDS = 5) and high (DDS ≥ 6). Thus, 13.4% of students have
a low DDS and average in 48.9%, versus 37.7% high. Students in Ganzourgou were twice as likely to have a low DDS
(AOR = 2.01, 95% CI:1.00–4.04) compared to those in Oubritenga. Household drinking water source, pupil status
and father’s occupation were significantly associated with pupils’ dietary intake. Conclusion Primary schoolchildren don’t have good dietary practices in the Plateau Central Region. Promoting dietary diversification in households and balanced meals in school canteens would be necessary to improve the DDS of schoolchildren.

  • Dietary diversity score,
  • Primary school students,
  • Associated factors,
  • Burkina Faso
Publication Date
Fall July 20, 2024
Citation Information
Daniel Ouedraogo, Ella W. R. COMPAORE, Ousmane OUEDRAOGO and Pr Mamoudou H. DICKO. "Associated factors of dietary diversity among schoolchildren in Plateau Central region of Burkina Faso: a cross‑sectional study" BMC Nutrition Vol. 10 Iss. 91 (2024) p. 1 - 13
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