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About Diane M. Debinski

I pursue research and teaching in the fields of conservation biology, landscape ecology, and restoration ecology.  Areas of research include biodiversity assessment with remote sensing and GIS applications, spatial analysis, metapopulation dynamics, habitat fragmentation, population viability assessment, genetics of small populations, climate change, and grassland restoration.  I also conduct research and help implement new programs related to recruitment and retention of women and minorities in science and engineering.


Present Affiliate Professor, Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Margaret Sloss Gender Equity Award
  • Fulbright Fellowship
  • Faculty Award for Diversity Enhancement


  • Introduction to Biology BIOL 211
  • Women in Science and Engineering BIOL/WS 307
  • Conservation Biology BIOL 471x, 531
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Fieldtrip EEB 585

Contact Information

251 Bessey
2200 Osborn Dr
Ames, IA 50011-4009
Phone: 515-294-2460
Fax: 515-294-1337


Grassland Ecology & Restoration (21)

Montane Meadow Ecology & Biodiversity (36)