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Electrochemical Studies of Antimony(III) and Antimony(V) in Molten Mixtures of Aluminum Chloride and Butylpyridinium Chloride
Chemistry & Physics Faculty Publications
  • Dhia A. Habboush, Sacred Heart University
  • Robert A. Osteryoung
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Electrochemical studies of Sb, Sb(III), and Sb(V) have been camed out in molten mixtures of AlC13 and N-1-butylpyridinium chloride (BuPyCl) at 40 OC, as a function of melt composition. Analysis of measurements in the acidic melts indicates SbC12+ as the dominant species. The reduction of this species on glassy carbon exhibits irreversible behavior. In the basic melts, SbC14- and SbC1,- are believed to be the dominant species. The reduction of Sb(II1) to Sb on glassy carbon also showed irreversible behavior while its oxidation to Sb(W revealed a quasi-reversible behavior. No Sb(II1) oxidation was observed in the acidic melts.

Citation Information
Habboush, D. A., & Oysteryoung, R. A. (1984). Electrochemical Studies of Antimony(II1) and Antimony (V) in Molten Mixtures of Aluminum Chloride and Butylpyridinium Chloride. Inorganic Chemistry, 23, 1726-1734. doi:10.1021/ic00180a018