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About Dhia A. Habboush

Dhia A. Habboush, Ph.D., is Professor of Chemistry at Sacred Heart University. Dr. Habboush's primary research interest is molten salts chemistry: spectroscopic thermogravimetric and electrochemical studies of species and reactions (acid-base, redox, and complex formation) in molten salts. Other areas of interest are strengths of oxo acids and supramolecular chemistry. Dr. Habboush is also interested in promoting a critical appreciation of the links between various areas of knowledge, mainly, science, philosophy and religion.
Degrees: Ph.D., University of Southampton, UK; B.Sc., College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, SUNY Buffalo.
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK.


September 1983 - Present Professor Chemistry, Sacred Heart University Chemistry Department

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  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Advanced Integrated Laboratory
  • Chemical Applications of Group Theory

Contact Information

Academic Bldg SC 105 A
College of Arts and Sciences


Articles (5)

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