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About Derrick K Rollins, Sr.

Our research interests are in the area of modeling of Types 1 and 2 Diabetes (TTD), bioinformatics, predictive modeling and control, and Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI), and human thermoregulation (HTR). The main thrust of our TTD research is to develop a model that is able to determine behavior profiles that optimize glucose control for particular classes. Second, our bioinformatics work is on microarray data mining using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Third, our work in predictive modeling and control is focus mainly on development of sandwich block-oriented-modeling (BOM) such as Wiener model and Hammerstein model. Besides, our work on CVI is mainly on developing lightweight carbon/carbon with high temperature, high strength and low wear properties. Finally, we also work on HTR research that deals with modeling of human core temperature.


Present University Professor, Iowa State University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Present University Professor, Iowa State University Department of Statistics

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Honors and Awards

  • NOBCChE - Joseph N. Cannon Award in Chemical Engineering recognizing honors and achievements in the Chemical Engineering Field (2013)
  • Tau Beta Pi MacDonald Mentor Award (2012)
  • “Citizen of the Year Award” on behalf of the Men of Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc., Mu Omicron Graduate Chapter, Des Moines, Iowa (2012)
  • AIChE MAC Eminent Engineer Award (2010)

Contact Information

1033 Sweeney
618 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1098
Phone: 515-294-5516
Fax: 515-294-2689


Book Chapters (1)

Peer-Reviewed Articles (12)

Pre-prints (1)

Conference Proceedings (2)