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About Debbie Wong

Debbie is a Research Fellow in the Education and Development team. Debbie has 15 years’ experience in international development having worked in Australia and overseas, specialising in education. Prior to joining ACER in 2017, Debbie worked with Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), AusAID, ministries of education and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. She has wide ranging experience in education policy and research, with particular expertise in designing, managing and evaluating education programs in the areas of early childhood, basic education, skills development and higher education.

At ACER, Debbie is leading the Education Analytics Service, which is responsible for improving the quality of evidence and expertise used by DFAT, including managing a series of longitudinal teacher development evaluations in Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and Laos. She is also leading ACER’s support for DFAT’s Education Pathways for Peace, a program focused on improving early years learning in a conflict-affected Mindanao, Philippines. Debbie is also undertaking qualitative research on early childhood, scholarship outcomes and providing support to Timor-Leste’s ministry of education on assessment systems.

Debbie’s areas of interest are education policy and the research-policy interface, basic education, evaluation and qualitative research.


2017 - Present Research Fellow, Educational Monitoring and Research, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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Reports (31)

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