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About Daniel Chamberlain

Daniel Chamberlain teaches courses on emergent media and directs the Center for Digital Learning and Research at Occidental College. Daniel leads the campus effort to explore new ways of teaching with media technologies in and out of the classroom, to consider how their research and publication strategies might benefit from networked collaboration and open access platforms, and to partner with colleagues and projects at other institutions. These efforts are an extension of the work Daniel began as a doctoral student at the University of Southern California, where he participated in the launch of USC’s Center for Transformative Scholarship, helped to teach community outreach courses through USC’s Institute for Multimedia Literacy, and served as a HASTAC scholar dedicated to making connections between local and global technology research efforts. Daniel’s doctoral research, which supported a dissertation entitled Emergent Media Technologies and the Production of New Urban Spaces, explored the corresponding phenomena of emergent media technologies and contemporary urban spaces, arguing that they are connected through cultural and economic emphases on personalization, mobility, and interactivity. Daniel holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Critical Studies from the University of Southern California and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Michigan.


Present Director, Center for Digital Liberal Arts, Occidental College

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Honors and Awards

  • CLIR Post-doctoral Fellowship
  • USC Provost's Fellowship


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Articles (5)

Contributions to Books (3)

Book Reviews (4)