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Unpublished Paper
Privacy-Preserving Accountable Cloud Storage
Computer Science Technical Reports
  • Ka Yang, Iowa State University
  • Jinsheng Zhang, Iowa State University
  • Wensheng Zhang, Iowa State University
  • Daji Qiao, Iowa State University
Publication Date
Technical Report Number
In cloud storage services, a wide range of sensitive information may be leaked to the host server via the exposure of access pattern albeit data is encrypted. Many security-provable schemes have been proposed to preserve the access pattern privacy; however, they may be vulnerable to attacks towards data integrity or availability from malicious users. This is due to the fact that, preserving access pattern privacy requires data to be frequently re-encrypted and re-positioned at the storage server, which can easily conceal the traces that are needed for account- ability support to detect misbehaviors and identify attackers. To address this issue, this paper proposes a scheme that integrates accountability support into hash-based ORAMs. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme can detect misconduct committed by malicious users and identify the attackers, while preserving the access pattern privacy. Overhead analysis shows that the proposed accountability support incurs only slightly increased storage, communication, and computational overheads.
Citation Information
Ka Yang, Jinsheng Zhang, Wensheng Zhang and Daji Qiao. "Privacy-Preserving Accountable Cloud Storage" (2015)
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