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About Courtney G. Flint

Dr. Courtney Flint is an Associate Professor of Natural Resource Sociology and joined the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Utah State University in 2013. She received her PhD from Penn State University in Rural Sociology and holds two degrees in Geography from the University of Colorado at Boulder (MS) and Northern Arizona University (BS).
Dr. Flint’s interdisciplinary research and teaching efforts focus on community and other social-environmental interactions in complex landscapes and environmental decision making in the face of disturbance, risk, and uncertainty. Her current research projects include 1) integrating multiple stakeholder and scientific vulnerability assessments in rural-to-urban Utah watersheds as part of an interdisciplinary water resource project called iUTAH; 2) cross-cultural comparisons on the influence of human-nature relationship perspectives on landscape engagement and conservation in the US and Austria; 3) Midwestern farm operator perspectives on water quality in agricultural watersheds; and 4) stakeholder alignment on interdisciplinarity and data/information sharing in NSF’s Earth Cube initiative and the geosciences.
Before coming to Utah State University, Dr. Flint was on the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. She was raised in Montana and Arizona and loves exploring new places with her husband (Dr. Colin Flint – USU) and two sons (Doug and Jack).


Present Professor, Utah State University Sociology and Anthropology

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • 2011 NACTA National Teaching Fellow
  • 2009 List of Excellent Teachers Awarded by Students
  • 2008 List of Excellent Teachers Awarded by Students
  • 2004 ISSRM Best PhD Student Paper Award

Articles (74)

Reports (1)