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About Dr Claire Scoular

Dr Scoular's work focuses on the improvement of assessment practices through the application of psychological measurement. Specifically, her expertise revolves around the assessment and teaching of 21st century skills. She has worked with numerous countries to identify and bridge the gap between their assessment, curriculum, and pedagogy in relation to skills. In particular, she has worked with many developing countries to review and develop curriculum documentation, develop classroom-based assessment tools and generate teaching resources for skills including problem solving, collaboration, learning in digital networks, critical thinking, creative thinking, and self-regulation. She has been an active lecturer for many years and has developed courses in both traditional formats and online formats, including both the design of the content, and the assessment tasks. At the University of Melbourne, her PhD identified a measurement methodology of 21st century skills through automated scoring and test delivery systems. Her experience in psychometric assessment, intervention work and research spans across the UK, the Asia-Pacific, and South America. She has undertaken consultancies for UNICEF, WorldBank, The Brookings Institution, and UNESCO. Dr Scoular has been a Keynote Speaker on multiple occasions, and recently served as a presenter and mentor to delegates at the Y20 Youth Summit.  


Present Senior Research Fellow, Educational Monitoring and Research, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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Presentations and Conference Proceedings (8)

Thesis (1)