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About Cihan H. Dagli

Dr. Dagli is a Professor of Systems engineering and Engineering Management. He is the founder of Missouri S&T’s Systems Engineering Graduate Program. He is also director of the Smart Engineering Systems Lab (SESL) at the Missouri S&T.  He is Senior Investigator in DoD Systems Engineering Research Center-URAC. Dr. Dagli is a fellow of International Council of Systems Engineering INCOSE 2008 and Institute of Industrial Engineers IIE 2009 and International Foundation of Production Research 2019.Dr. Dagli joined Missouri S&T in 1988. His research interests are in systems engineering and systems architecting, cyber physical systems, deep learning, machine learning   and computational intelligence. Dr. Dagli has been a PI, co-PI, or director of 56 research projects and grants totaling over $25 million from federal, state, industrial funding agencies, and distance tuition revenue. Approximately more than $21 million of this total has been generated through the Systems Engineering Graduate Program during his tenure as program director since 2000. This number does not include a $10 million grant from the Department of Defense that was approved in September 2008 for the establishment of the Systems Engineering Research Center - University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) at Steven’s Institute of Technology with the aid of Missouri S&T, the University of Southern California, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other participating universities. Dr. Dagli has published over 450 research publications, including 79 archival journal articles and edited (or co-edited) 34 books. His research publications have been cited on Google Scholar 4,449 times, with an h-index of 31 and i-index of 118. He was the dissertation advisor of 26 Engineering Management one Computer Science and 9 Systems Engineering PhD students received their degree from S&T.
Systems Engineering, Cyber Physical Systems and Deep Learning
Dr. Dagli’s contributions to systems engineering began in 1979 with his PhD dissertation at The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, titled “A Methodology for Solving the Long Term Operational Problems of the Lower Firat Basin in Turkey”. His 1980 paper titled “Determining operating policies for a water resource system”, CH Dagli, JF Miles Journal of Hydrology 47 (3), 297-306 is still being cited in 2020. This interdisciplinary topic lead to a mathematical programming model based approach for the solution of this complex water resources system problem. In the intervening years, he continued work on large scale, system based problems. He has expertise in modeling architectures for complex engineering systems such as transportation, infrastructure, water resources, and energy distribution using computational intelligence techniques. After becoming a Senior Investigator on Systems Architecting at the DoD Systems Engineering Research Center-UARC, Dr. Dagli focused on Cyber Physical Systems and System of Systems research and worked as a PI on numerous DoD research projects. He also founded and chaired annually the Complex Adaptive Systems conferences since 2011.  Complex Adaptive System 2021 conference will be virtual to be held on June 16-18, 2021. He was able to develop an integrated model based on computational intelligence and systems architecting for architecting system of systems and cyber physical systems. The general description of the integrated model structure with examples is provided in the following reference:  Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 1 – Integrated Model Structure Cihan H. Dagli, et. al.. Technical Report SERC-2015-TR-021-4_V1.
Dr. Dagli is the leading U.S. research expert in smart system architecting, data analytics, and machine learning in response to complex system autonomy and adaptation. His current research involves self-organizing meta-architectures using deep learning neural networks to create adaptive behavior. This work builds on the Flexible Intelligent Learning Architectures for System of Systems (FILA-SoS). He is one of around 70 INCOSE Fellows in the world and a former chair of fellows (2010-2014). Dr. Dagli was nominated to Systems Engineering Honor Society, Omega Alpha Association in 2013 and became Chairman of the Board in July 2016.
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Dr. Dagli was one of the leaders in Artificial Neural Network research and teaching on campus since 1989. He was the founder and organizer 20 ANNIE conferences Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering. Dr. Dagli was able to bring new insights to several industrial engineering research problems, such as Group Technology (GT), Scheduling, and Stock Cutting through the use of computational intelligence techniques. He became an Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISIE) Fellow on May 31, 2009. He was also able to combine his expertise in systems engineering with manufacturing by bringing the International Conference on Production Research ICPR 25 with a theme Cyber Physical Manufacturing to Chicago to be held on August 10-15, 2019. This is the third time this international conference is held in USA since its inception in 1971.

Investigator, Intelligent Systems Center


Present Founder and Director of Systems Engineering Graduate Program, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Present Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Present Director, Missouri S&T Smart Engineering Systems Lab
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  • SYS ENG 6321 Complex System Modeling
  • SYS ENG 6239 Smart Engineering Systems Design
  • SYS ENG 6213 Advanced Neural Networks
  • SYS ENG 6104 Systems Architeching
  • SYS ENG 5212 Introduction to Neural Networks and Applications


1979 Ph.D. in Applied Operations Research in Large Scale Systems Design and Operation, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Contact Information

229 Engineering Management
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65409

Phone: (573) 647-9125


Research Works (234)