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About Christopher Goff

Teaching Philosophy
My main goal as an instructor is to help my students become independent learners.

My classes are often based in lecture, though I ask a lot of questions in class in order to lead students through the material. I also occasionally have students solve problems in small groups. By observing students actually working on problems, I can better gauge their understanding. Also, group work forces students to communicate mathematically with their peers, which means that they need to internalize the mathematics to a deeper extent.

I assign projects in many classes, like Linear Algebra and the History of Mathematics. Students are asked to come up with a problem or question and then solve or answer it using techniques learned in the course. Projects are a good way to foster independent learning, because instead of only answering someone else's question, students have to come up with the question themselves, and then answer it. This process can help students begin to comprehend independent mathematical research.

As students progress, I occasionally direct independent studies, lead undergraduate research, and supervise Honors theses. These students work on their own, engaging in research that is original to them, and perhaps even original in the world of mathematics.

From time to time, I teach courses outside the mathematics department, for the General Education and Honors programs. Dr. Bhattacharyya and I developed a course for Pacific Seminar II that relates mathematics to social justice. I thoroughly enjoy these kinds of classes because they take mathematics to other disciplines and bring other disciplines to mathematics. By doing so, students learn how to contextualize mathematics among other great achievements of human thought.

Research Interests
My dissertation was in the field of representation theory, a nice amalgam of abstract algebra and linear algebra. In particular, I studied the fusion algebras of different quasi-Hopf algebras arising from finite groups. I have gone on to investigate fusion algebras arising from other similar Hopf and quasi-Hopf algebras.

Another main area of interest is in mathematics education. In 2015, Lincoln Unified School District here in Stockton was awarded a California Math-Science Partnership (CaMSP), and I am the higher education PI (Principal Investigator). We are providing professional development to approximately 75 K-8 teachers in the district around various STEM topics. The teachers are then creating curricular units following a PBL (Project-Based Learning) pedagogy. Our hypothesis is that these professional development activities, combined with the act of writing, teaching, and then refining their PBL units, will lead to a deeper content knowledge and broader pedagogical knowledge around mathematics and its teaching.

Recently, I have also become interested in the history of mathematics. Having taken several years of Latin in high school, I can now state that I am indeed using it and helping out in the world-wide effort to translate all of 18th-century mathematical giant Leonhard Euler's works from Latin to a modern language (in my case, English). I have translated two papers so far and the third is in progress. I hope to continue this work, and who knows, I might even contribute to discovering something new in the works of this mathematical great!


2015 - Present Professor of Mathematics, University of the Pacific College of the Pacific
2014 - Present Assistant Provost for Diversity, University of the Pacific College of the Pacific
2007 - 2015 Associate Professor, University of the Pacific College of the Pacific
2002 - 2007 Assistant Professor, University of the Pacific College of the Pacific
1999 - 2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Arizona

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Honors and Awards

  • Charter Member of Pi Mu Epsilon, California Sigma at Pacific, 2011
  • Judith Chambers Excellence in Student Life Award, 2010
  • Eric Dingler LGBTQIA Mentor Award, 2010
  • Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Texas, since Fall 1989


  • MATH 164 Topics in the History of Mathematics
  • MATH 141 Linear Algebra
  • MATH 143/144 Abstract Algebra I and II
  • MATH 168 Modern Geometries
  • MATH 049 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
  • MATH 051/053/055 Calculus I, II, and III
  • MATH 052 Calculus Companion
  • Independent Studies (Computer Graphics, Mathematical Physics, Representation Theory of Finite Groups, Representation Theory of Lie Algebras, Fusion Algebras, Galois Theory)
  • PACS 001


1999 Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz
1995 M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz
1993 B.S., Physics, University of Texas at Austin
1993 B.A., Plan II, University of Texas at Austin

Contact Information

Phone: (209) 946-2036
Office: Classroom Building 103C


Books and Book Chapters (8)

Books and book chapters written or edited by Dr. Christopher D. Goff.

Articles (10)

Journal articles written by Dr. Christopher D. Goff.

Presentations (22)

Presentations given by Dr. Christopher D. Goff.