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About Chi Yong Yun

Pianist Chi Yong Yun has been hailed by audiences and critics alike as an artist of rare
poetic insight and pianistic brilliance. Dr. Yun’s performances as a soloist, recitalist, and
chamber musician has received critical acclaim throughout the United States, Europe
and Asia. Born in Seoul, Korea, Dr. Yun moved to the United States at the age of six
where she continued her musical studies.
The top prizewinner of numerous international and national competitions, Dr. Yun
received her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees, and Performer’s Diploma on full
scholarship from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music as a Thomson Star Fellow,
studying under Karen Shaw, Edmund Battersby, and Menahem Pressler. She received
her Doctor of Musical Arts Degree under Ian Hobson at University of Illinois Urbana
Dr. Yun has performed in international music festivals such as Aspen, Atlantic,
Folgarida, International Keyboard Institute and Festival, DPS, Shandelee, Prague,
Montecito, Taeurueng, Oregon, and InterHarmony International Music Festival. She
has appeared as a soloist with numerous orchestras including Indianapolis Symphony
Orchestra, Indianapolis Philharmonic, Camerata, SunnySide, Beaverton, and the
Folgarida Festival Orchestra. As a recitalist and active collaborative musician, she has
performed throughout the US, Prague, Italy, Austria, Germany, Hong Kong, Philippines,
and South Korea.
An avid pedagogue, teaching has been an important and substantial part of Dr. Yun’s
career. She has given master classes throughout the US and worldwide and is currently
Professor of Music and Director of Keyboard Studies at Andrews University. Prior to
Andrews University, she has also held teaching positions at Indiana University,
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, and Illinois Wesleyan University. Dr. Yun
serves as a Faculty-Artist at numerous international music festivals and workshops and
as an adjudicator for piano competitions in the United States and worldwide.


2008 - Present Professor of Music, Andrews University Department of Music
Present Keyboard Studies Area Coordinator, Andrews University Department of Music


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MMus, Indiana University - Bloomington
BMus, Indiana University - Bloomington
DMA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contact Information

Office Location: Hamel Hall 322
Phone: (269) 471-2879


Performances (7)

Presentations (1)