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About Cary S. Feria

My major research interests are in the fields of visual perception and visual cognition. My research focus recently has been in the area of Multiple Object Tracking. One current project is investigating how attention is distributed within moving objects, and in particular how this distribution is affected by stimulus probabilities. Another project is investigating how tracking of target objects is affected by additional objects in the field of view. I am also starting a new project in the area of Contextual Cueing, which will investigate the effects of previous experience on visual search.


Present Associate Professor, San Jose State University Psychology

Curriculum Vitae


2012 - 2013 The Relationship Between Multiple Object Tracking Performance and Automobile Driving Ability in Elderly Drivers
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
Role: Faculty Mentor
Colleague(s): Trevor Sollitt
2012 Engaging Diverse Students in Faculty Research on Attention and Learning
San Jose State University
Student Success Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
2012 The Relationship Between Multiple Object Tracking Ability and Automobile Driving Competence
San Jose State University
Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
2011 - 2012 The Effect of Speed on the Ability to Track Multiple Moving Objects
San Jose State University
College of Social Sciences Research Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
2011 The Effect of Speed on the Ability to Track Multiple Moving Objects
CSU Research Funds Committee, San Jose State University
Role: Principal Investigator
2010 - 2011 Effects of Attention and Context in Visual Search
San Jose State University
College of Social Sciences Research Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
2010 - 2011 Effects of Salient and Task Relevant Distractors on Tracking Multiple Moving Objects
CSU Research Funds Committee, San Jose State University
Role: Principal Investigator
2010 Engaging Diverse Students in Faculty Research on Visual Attention
University Planning Council, San Jose State University
Role: Principal Investigator
2009 - 2010 Attention and Distraction During the Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects
San Jose State University
College of Social Sciences Research Grant
2009 Effects of Extraneous Objects During Multiple Object Tracking
Psychology Research Committee, San Jose State University
Role: Principal Investigator
2008 - 2009 Tracking Multiple Moving Objects Under Crowded Conditions
CSU Research Funds Committee, San Jose State University
Role: Principal Investigator
2008 Driving While Distracted: The Effect of Glances Away From the Road on Subsequent Perception of Changes in the Driving Environment
Morehead State University
Faculty Research Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
2005 - 2007 Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention Within Moving Objects
Kentucky National Science Foundation EPSCoR
Role: Principal Investigator
2005 Perception of Distance Across Surfaces and Objects
Morehead State University
Faculty Research Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, Association for Psychological Science
Present Member, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Present Member, Psychonomic Society
2005 - 2008 Member, Kentucky Academy of Science
2007 Chair of the Psychology section, Kentucky Academy of Science
2006 Secretary of the Psychology section, Kentucky Academy of Science
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Honors and Awards

  • University of California Regents' Dissertation Fellowship winter 2004
  • Vision Sciences Society Student Award 2002
  • Recognition of Excellence in Teaching, U.C. Irvine School of Social Sciences winter 2002
  • National Merit Scholarship 1995-1999


  • Perception
  • Advanced Research Methods and Design (and Laboratory)
  • General Psychology
  • Advanced Research Methods: Cognition/Perception (and Laboratory)
  • Cognition
  • Graduate Seminar in Perception
  • Graduate Seminar in Experimental Psychology


2004 Ph.D., University of California, Irvine ‐ Psychology
2001 M.A., University of California, Irvine ‐ Social Sciences
1999 B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara ‐ Psychology

Contact Information


Journal Articles (6)

Conference Presentations (35)