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About Caroline Hopkinson


Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Research, Outreach, and Instruction Department

Curriculum Vitae


2016 Learning World History with No Expensive Textbooks: A redesign of HIST 1111 Civilization I by Adopting Free Online Sources
Affordable Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant
Colleague(s): Hongie Wang
2008 Soul of a People: Writing America's Story
Federal Writers' Project
Role: Project Coordinator
Colleague(s): AASU History Department, Lane Library, Community Partners
1999 Arrangement and Description of the University's Archival Records
Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2020 - Present Member, Faculty Research Committee
2019 - 2020 Alternate, Graduate Committee
2018 - 2019 Alternate, Undergraduate Cirriculum Committee
2018 Member, Search Committee for Special Collections Librarian, Henderson Library
2017 Member, Search Committee for Visitor Services Coordinator, Georgia Southern University Museum
2015 Chair, Common Read Selection Committee
2013 - 2015 Member, Faculty Welfare Committee
2013 Member, Library Committee
2013 Member, Search Committee for Learning Commons Coordinator, Lane Library
2013 Member, Search Committee for Reference & Instruction Librarian, Lane Library
2011 - 2013 Member, Common Read Selection Committee
2011 - 2012 Chair, Library Committee
2009 - 2011 Editor, Society of Georgia Archivists Newletter
2009 - 2010 Member, AASU 75th Anniversary Committee
2006 Member, Search Committee for VP/Dean of Faculty
Member, Amercian Library Association
Member, Association of College and Research Libraries
Member, Beta Phi Mu
Member, Savannah Heritage Emergency Response
Member, Society of Georgia Archivists
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1988 M.L.I.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1987 B.A. in English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1987 Certificate in Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Contact Information

Georgia Southern University-Lane Library

Publications (4)

Syllabus (1)

Presentations (4)