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About Carol Jamison

Dr. Carol P. Jamison is a Professor of English Literature in the Department of Literature at Georgia Southern University. She received her PhD from the University of Georgia in 1993. Her research focuses on Arthurian and Medieval literature.

Research Interests:Chaucer, Early English Literature, History of the English Language, Advanced Grammar, Arthurian Literature


Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Department of English

Curriculum Vitae


2020 Nichols Hamlet Travel Grant
Georgia Southern University
2016 COLA Summer Grant
2016 COLA Summer Grant
The Heroic and Chivalric Codes of Westeros
2014 COLA Summer Grant
2014 COLA Summer Grant
J. K. Rowling's Medievalism
2013 COLA Summer Grant
2013 COLA Summer Grant
The Ambiguities of Chivalry in Malory’s ‘Balin, The Knight with the Two Swords’ or Why Balin Keeps the Sword
Harry Potter’s Own Book of Chivalry
2003 AASU Committee on Faculty Development
AASU Committee on Faculty Development
Implementing Syntactica and Creating Web Video of Sentence Diagrams
2002 AASU Committee on Faculty Development
AASU Committee on Faculty Development
Web-based Instruction for Medieval and Linguistic Courses
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2018 - Present Member, Faculty Senate, GSU
2018 - 2020 Secretary of Senate, Faculty Senate, GSU
2018 - 2020 Member, Writing and Linguistics Assessment Committee, Armstrong State University
2018 - 2020 Member, Writing and Linguistics Personnel Committee, Armstrong State University
2018 Chair, Literature ad hoc committee for faculty handbook revisions, GSU
2017 - 2018 Member, Faculty Senate, Armstrong State University
2016 Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to Dean of Liberal Arts, Armstrong State University
2016 Chair, Ad Hoc Tenure and Promotion Committee, Armstrong State University
2015 Member, Ad Hoc Search Committee: Dean of Arts and Sciences, Armstrong State University
2015 Session Chair, PCA Conference, “The Arthurian World”
2014 Member, COLA Ad Hoc search committee: Assistant Dean position
2013 - 2014 Member, LLP Ad Hoc search committee Philosophy position
2012 - 2014 Member, LLP Freshman Core Committee
2011 - 2014 Member, COLA Tenure and Promotion Committee
Voting Member, CAH Senate Executive Committee
Member, English Honorary Association (Sigma Tau Delta)
Member, International Arthurian Society
Member, Medieval Academy of the Midwest
Member, Medieval Academy of the Midwest
Member, Popular Culture Association
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Honors and Awards

  • Recipient, Outstanding Faculty Member, College of Liberal Arts (2016)


  • English 1101
  • English 1102
  • English 2100
  • Senior Capstone
  • Arthurian Literature
  • Advanced Grammar
  • History of the English Language
  • Early English Literature
  • Chaucer


1993 Ph.D., University of Georgia
1987 M.A., University of South Alabama
1985 B.A., University of Montevallo

Contact Information

Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus
Savannah, GA 31419
Phone: (912) 344-3097
Office: 103 Gamble Hall


Book (1)

Book chapters (peer-reviewed) (1)

Peer-reviewed articles (14)

Recent Book Reviews (35)