August 2017 - Present | Assistant Professor, San Jose State University ‐ Geology | |
Geology and Paleontology
Research Interests
2012 | Kenneth E. and Annie Caster Student Research Grant |
Paleontological Society | |
2012 | Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Student Research Grant |
Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) | |
2011 | Raymond C. Moore Memorial Grant |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists | |
2011 | Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund Grant |
American Museum of Natural History | |
2010 | Geological Society of America Grant in Honor of Gretchen L. Blechschmidt |
Geological Society of America |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2016 - 2016 | Symposium Coordinator and Master of Ceremonies, Paleontological Research Institution | 2015 - 2015 | Session Convener, Geological Society of America | 2012 - 2013 | Graduate Student Representative, University of Southern California | 2011 - 2011 | Symposium Coordinator, University of Southern California |
Honors and Awards
- The Elizabeth and Jerol Sonosky Fellowship for Earth and Ocean Sciences
- Keck Marine Sciences Fellowship
- International Geological Correlation Program IGCP-572 International Travel Award
- Provost Travel Award, University of Southern California
- Provost Fellowship, University of Southern California
- Earth History
- Paleontology and Evolution in Deep Time
- The Vertebrates; Structure, Function, and Evolution
- Crises of a Planet
- Ridge Basin California Field Trip
- San Andreas Fault Field Trip
- Big Bear California Field Trip
August 2015 | PhD, University of Southern California ‐ Geological Sciences | |
May 2009 | BA, Cornell University ‐ Biological Sciences | |
Contact Information
Carlie Pietsch, PhD
Assistant Professor, Geology Department
San José State University
408 924-5279