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About Brynja Davis

Brynja Davis is an assistant professor of Speech-Language Pathology at Andrews University. She graduated from Andrews University in 1997 with a bachelor of science degree in speech-language pathology and audiology. In 2000 she received a master's degree in speech-language pathology from Loma Linda University in California.

Before coming to Andrews in 2006, Mrs. Davis served as a speech-language pathologist in Reykjavik, Iceland where she was born. She was also a speech-language pathologist in the Eau Claire Public School in Michigan. Along with that, she worked in home health care for Health Care at Home and the Lakeland Regional Health Systems. In this capacity she evaluated and treated adults with speech- language, cognitive, and swallowing disorders. Mrs. Davis is currently working on her Ph.D. in Communication Disorders at Wayne State University.
Current Research or Professional Activities
Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Communication Science and Disorders.
Teaches the following undergraduate classes:
  • Applied Phonetics
  • Articulation and Phonology: Development and Disorders
  • Clinical Applications in Speech-Langauge Pathology
  • Independent studies/research/projects 
  • Neuroscience of Communication
She also teaches the follow graduate and 5-year classes:
  • Aphasia 
  • Articulation and Phonological Disorders 
  • Motor Speech Disorders
  • Research project in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 
  • Thesis Option II


2021 - Present Associate Dean, Andrews University College of Health and Human Services
2006 - Present Assistant Professor Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Andrews University School of Communication Sciences & Disorders

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  • Thesis Option II
  • Research project in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
  • Motor Speech Disorders
  • Articulation and Phonological Disorders
  • Aphasia
  • Neuroscience of Communication
  • Independent studies/research/projects
  • Clinical Applications in Speech-Langauge Pathology
  • Articulation and Phonology: Development and Disorders
  • Applied Phonetics


2022 PhD, Wayne State University
2000 MS, Loma Linda University
1997 BS, Andrews University

Contact Information

Office Location: Bell Hall Suite 114 
Phone: (269) 471-6370
