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About Brenda Juarez

Dr. Juárez’s teaching endeavors and scholarship have focused on the topics of multicultural teacher education, culturally responsive teaching pedagogies, and the transracial adoption of Black children by White adoptive parents. Using Critical Race Theory and critical scholarship on Whiteness, her research has explored the intersections between race-based knowledge and power in the preparation of future teachers and what it means to be an ally. In her work presently, she continues to examine and document the effective teaching practices and perspectives of exemplary Black teachers and the role of culture in fostering the successful learning of students of color. Drawing on her background in transracial adoption, Dr. Juárez likewise continues in her research to explore practices of race socialization within and across different racial groups. She has recently been writing about the production of the contemporary schools-to-prison pipeline and its effects on the social causation of Black health inequality and other manifestations of institutional racism. Her research has appeared in journals such as Democracy and Education, Journal of Educational Controversy, Critical Education, Journal of Black Studies, Race Ethnicity and Education, Power and Education, and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. She is co-author of the book White Parents, Black Children: Understanding Adoption and Race forthcoming from Rowman and Littlefield Publishing in October, 2011.


Present Assistant Professor, Student Development - School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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368 Hills South
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
(413) 545-0718

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