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About Barbara Strauss

As a librarian, educator, urban farmer and musician, I find life in Cleveland, Ohio to be the best of all places I've lived!
As the Assistant Director for Technical Services at the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University, my profile is behind the scenes managing the department that orders all library materials and makes them available to the public. We increasingly manage electronic resources from ejournals, ebooks, to individual e-articles in our new institutional repository, Engaged Scholarship @ CSU. I have the leading role as coordinator for this this new campus endeavor.
Another role I have is as subject librarian for Music and Middle Eastern Studies. The music librarian role is a familiar one, from my days working at Mills Music Library on the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus.


Present Catalog Project Manager, Cleveland State University
Present Michael Schwartz Library, Retired, Assistant Director for Technical Services
Present Moravian Music Foundation, Cleveland State University

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

Moravian Music Foundation
Winston-Salem Office at the Archie K. Davis Center
457 South Church Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Telephone: (336) 725-0651
Fax: (336) 725-4514


Books (1)

Articles (8)

Thesis (1)

Presentations (6)

Exhibit (1)