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About Barbara Tierney

Barbara was Head of the Research and Information Services Dept. for the University of Central Florida Libraries (Jan. 2013 to Jan. 2021). Prior to that, she served as the Head of the Research and Information Services Dept. for the University of North Carolina Libraries, Charlotte (2011-2012).

Barbara was the Guest Editor for the "Against the Grain" Sept. 2020 (Vol. 32, No.4) special issue on "Innovative Staffing Models at Academic Libraries." This special issue included the article: Tierney, B. “Full speed ahead: from basic subject librarian model to engaged librarian model at University of Central Florida Libraries,” Against the Grain, Sept. 2020, p.20-22       

Barbara was an Invited Speaker at the 2016 Japan Association of National University Libraries JANUL Symposium at the University of Tokyo where she presented "The Learning Commons Service Model in North America"  on January 29, 2016.  Barbara also was a Plenary Speaker at the 2012 Canadian Learning Commons Conference where she presented "Re-Learning the Commons: From Conceptual Overview to Case Study" (by D. Beagle and B. Tierney).

Barbara’s publications include “Transforming Library Service Through Information Commons” (by D.R. Bailey and B.Tierney, ALA Eds., 2008) and “The Information Commons Handbook” (by D. Beagle, with B. Tierney and D.R. Bailey, Neal-Schuman Pub., 2006).

Contact information:

Master of Arts in Library Science  University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Bachelor of Arts   Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)

Phi Beta Kappa Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)
Beta Phi Mu University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Awarded tenure University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Assoc. Professor Emeritus University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Employed by:
University of Central Florida Libraries 2013-2021
University of North Carolina (Charlotte) Libraries 1999-2012
San Leandro Public Library (San Leandro, CA) 1975-1999
Monroe County Library System (Monroe, MI) 1973-1974
University of Michigan Law Library (Ann Arbor, MI) 1972
Bowling Green State University Library (Bowling Green, Ohio) 1970-1972
Kansas State University Libraries (Manhattan, KS) 1969-1970
Northwestern University Libraries (Evanston, IL) 1966-1969


Present Head of Research and Information Services, UCF Libraries, University of Central Florida

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