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About Ann Marie Nye

Dr. Ann Marie Nye is a geriatric pharmacist who practices at the Monk East Carolina University Geriatric Clinic. She focuses on medication management for older patients on complex medication regimens. She is recognized as a fellow by the American Geriatrics Society as well as the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. She is also a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist. Her research interest include medication management of chronic diseases, treatment of geriatric syndromes, and medication problems in the elderly.


Present Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


2018 Brody Staff Leadership Initiative
MacGregor Downs
Colleague(s): T. Icard and J. Daugherty
2016 - 2017 Impact of Simulation Laboratory on Student Performance
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Internal Research Grant
Colleague(s): C. Lewis, K. P. Brown, L. Foushee
2015 - 2017 Geriatric Workforce Inter-professional Education Grant HRSA 15-057
Health Resources and Services Administration
Colleague(s): S. Hardin, C. Harrington, K. Steinweg, Q. Cao, B. Pabbu, C. Stokes, C. King
2016 How a Medication Simulation Exercise Impacts Health Provider Students’ Attitudes Toward Medication Adherence and Concordance in Poly-Pharmacy Patients
Vidant Medical Center/East Carolina University, College Of Nursing Collaborative Research Grant
Colleague(s): T. Perdue, C. Herring, K. Garren, J. T. Jackson, A. Yocum
2015 Visiting Leader Program
American Society of Health-system Pharmacists Foundation
2014 - 2015 Impact of Simulation Laboratory on Student Performance
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Internal Research Grant
Colleague(s): M. Townsend, C. Lewis, S. Perkins
2010 Diabetes and polycarbophil study
East Carolina University Department of Family Medicine pilot research grant
Colleague(s): T. J. Lee, Q. Cao
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2011 - Present Member and Chair (2013-2017), Faculty Development: Teaching Subcommittee, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell Universi
2010 - Present Member, Continuing Education Committee, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell University
2002 - Present Member, Geriatric Pharmacy Special Interest Group, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
2002 - Present Member, Pharmacy Practice Section, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
2001 - Present Member, Geriatric Practice Research Network, American College of Clinical Pharmacy
2000 - Present Member and Fellow (2011 - present), American Geriatric Society
2000 - Present Member and Fellow (2003 - present), American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
2014 - 2017 Member, Curriculum Taskforce Subcommittees, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell University
2014 - 2015 Member, ACPE Accreditation Self-Study Committee, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell University
2014 - 2015 Chair, ACPE Accreditation Self-Study, Subcommittee on Students, CPHS, Campbell University
1998 - 2012 Member, Section of Clinical Specialists: Geriatrics, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
1996 - 2012 Member, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
2007 - 2008 Member, AACP Accreditation Self-Assessment, Subcommittee on Curriculum, CPHS, Campbell University
2003 - 2008 Member, Admissions Committee, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell University
2002 - 2006 Member, Education Resources Committee, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Campbell University
2003 - 2005 Member, North Carolina Chapter of American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
2003 - 2005 Co-Chair, School Chapter Relations Committee, North Carolina Chapter of American Society of Consultant Pharm
2002 - 2005 Member, North Carolina Chapter of American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
2002 - 2003 Member, Academic Performance and Standards Committee, CPHS, Campbell University
1995 - 2003 Member, American Pharmacists Association
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Honors and Awards

  • Fellow of American Geriatric Society, December 2011
  • Team Recognition Award. Geriatric Division. East Carolina University, Department of Family Medicine, June 2010
  • National Finalist, New Preceptor of the Year. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’, September 2007
  • Faculty Author Recognition Award. The William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library of the Division of Health Sciences at East Carolina University, November 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015
  • Who's Who in Medical Sciences Education, March 2005
  • Campbell University Clinical Pharmacy Preceptor of the Year, Eastern Region, 2004
  • Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, 2002
  • Clinical Research Award, VCU/MCV, 2001
  • M. Bruce Rose Scholarship, VCU/MCV, 2000-2001


2001 Pharm.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
1995 James Madison University ‐ Pre-pharmacy curriculum

Publications (13)

Presentations (68)